The Resisting Earth

Starke Kinder können die Welt verändern
Daran glauben wir und dafür arbeiten wir jeden Tag. Für Kinder wie Nour - eine 11-jährige Syrerin, die mit ihrer Familie im Libanon wohnt. Die COVID-Pandemie war nur eine von mehreren Krisen, die Nour in 2020 in Beirut durchgemacht hat, denn der Libanon musste zuvor mit mit mehreren Krisen gleichzeitig kämpfen: eine Wirtschaftskrise, politische Unruhen, die syrische Flüchtlingskrise und nicht zuletzt die verheerende Explosion im Hafen Beiruts (August 2020).
Inmitten dieser widrigsten Umstände sendet Nour mit ihrem Bild 'The Resisting Earth' einen emotionalen Appell an Hoffnung und Resilienz an uns alle. Mehr über die Hintergründe zu ihrem Bild erzählt sie im Interview.
Kinder wie Nour inspirieren und treiben uns an. Ihre Geschichten wollen wir gerne auch in Zukunft mit Dir teilen. Steh auch Du gemeinsam mit uns an der Seite von Kindern in Afrika, Asien und dem Nahen Osten.

Ein Interview mit Nour
What are the things you like to do? And why?
I like everything that specializes in recycling because it doesn't hurt nature and lets everything live in it. I also like to write stories because it helps express what's in my heart.
What do you dream of becoming when you grow up?
Lawyer, Fashion Designer, Police Person
What do you like about drawing and what does it mean to you?
I like drawing because through it, I can express my sadness when I'm feeling it.
Could you tell us more about this drawing?
This drawing is centered around the coronavirus. I drew it because it expresses refusal to give up and how we should show resistance in dealing with the virus.
There are some people who surrendered and said 'we are all going to die because of coronavirus' and this way of thinking is not right because the spread of coronavirus is treatable when all of us take preventive measures. So let's all collectively protect each other from it!
We, at home, take a lot of preventive measures because my father is old and can be exposed to it. The drawing shows how the globe used to be a unity and now it's broken into two parts: one part is harmful and the other is fighting back.
Where did you get the idea for the drawing from?
I was sitting at home and my father told me to try to treat everybody as if they are all affected by coronavirus, meaning, that we take all our precautions. At that time, I was disinfecting a toy and it occurred to me that earth is both infected and fighting back at the same time.
What title would you give your drawing?
The Resisting Earth
How did you feel when you drew the painting?
I was happy because I felt like I did something important because I am the one who drew it.
How do you like your friends to see and perceive the image?
I like them to see it in a hopeful light and not in a negative one because it will make me sad. I tell my friends to always stay strong and make sure that we are taking all necessary precautions so coronavirus will not come near to us.